Traditional Chinese Courtship Practices

In the time before smart smartphone, meet and marrying person’s other half was not as easy as it is today. The majority of lovers’ parents or relatives arranged for them to wed.

Those who wanted to get married had to go through a number of rites and romance techniques. The wedding decorum was complex, and the steps to asking for a wedding or groom’s hand in marriage were generally accompanied by song, pyrotechnics, food and drink.

The first step was the plan, or Na Cai. It was usual for the wedding to travel to the bride’s home with a procession, accompanied by a group, guitarists and dancers, and led by a dance bear. When the man and his entourage arrived at the house, her buddies do greet them and talk to him or his member. It was viewed as friendly and a form of leisure, and the negotiations were meant to make sure the bride may approve of the proposal.

Traditional Chinese romance involved a lot of work, necessitating matchmakers and gods to ensure that soul colleagues will certainly find each other. The ceremony’s use of a crimson thread, which is said to stretch over day and link the bride and groom until they meet face-to-face, may make it even more formal.

A lot of conventional union etiquette and customs have been lost now. Read the real picture nonetheless, some such as the Wedding- on- the- Water of Doumen, a beautiful waterside town in Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province and Ten- mile Red Dowry, a tradition that is still practised in Jiajiazhuang Village in Xi’an, Shanxi, have been enshrined as national nebulous cultural heritages.

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